InnovaCounsel Blog

3 Employment Policies To Review For 2017

Due to the regular addition of new laws, companies should be continuously reviewing, updating and improving their employee policies. The beginning of the year is a good time to review policies and adjust them to match the new requirements that … Continue reading

Updating the Company Handbook

Company handbooks are an important document for each workplace. Since we are past the mid-year mark in 2016, it might be a good time for employers and their attorneys to review the handbook with new workplace issues coming to light. … Continue reading

Protected Social Media Posts

Most people think of social media as personal, and feel they can use it however they want. That includes venting about work situations or their place of employment. For the most part this is correct. People can vent about certain … Continue reading

Does Your Company Have An Updated Social Media Policy?

The use of social media is growing at a very rapid pace as companies look to use these digital media sites to grow their brand and increase sales. Many company communication policies predate the fast growth in social media that … Continue reading