Before you hire your first (or next) employee, really take the time to write a great job description for the position. A great job description, by the way, is one that spells out (i) the essential job functions, (ii) reporting relationships, and (iii) key success metrics of the position.
Here’s why:
1. Company Fit. Taking the time to write a great job description means you have thought clearly about why to hire someone in the first place. Don’t just hire a Director of Customer Engagement because everyone else is doing it!
2. Goal Alignment. A great job description provides a way for the employer and the employee to start out in synch on exactly what are the goals for the position. The employee can have a better understanding of how her work supports the overall goals of the business.
3. Employee Happiness. Employees who have great job descriptions are more productive and have greater job satisfaction than do employees who lack such job descriptions.
4. Performance Management. A great job description provides a firm basis for setting employee performance objectives and for administering discipline.
5. Litigation Risk Reduction. In the event of litigation, you will have written documentation to support your decisions regarding hiring, firing, and other discipline. When it comes to employment litigation, if it’s not written down, then as far as the jury is concerned, it never happened!
Creating great job descriptions is definitely “an ounce of prevention.” Think not just about avoiding the legal fees in litigation, but most importantly about all of the management time and costs associated with high turn-over. Satisfied employees are more productive as well as less likely to sue their employers!
Need help writing great job descriptions? You know where to find us!
Stuart Blake
Mobile – (949) 842-9379
Michael Oswald
Mobile – 208.914.3086
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