There is great pressure on the current Administration and Congress to “do something” about illegal immigration. Due to the recent failure to pass legislation on the issue, the pressure has shifted to the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services … Continue reading
The Legal Affairs column in the August 6, 2007 issue of BusinessWeek contains a chilling message for in-house counsel. It discusses the fact that a former in-house attorney at Hollinger International, Inc. was convicted by the same jury that convicted … Continue reading
There is a very good discussion by Dominic Jarr on his blog about some of the potential reasons why in-house counsel may not be active bloggers. I think that all of the reasons he discusses are good ones but I … Continue reading
As we discussed previously, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in March in the case of Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. dba Kay’s Kloset (“Leegin”). The Court issued its decision on the matter on June 28, … Continue reading
You’ve decided to hire a new employee. The interviews are complete, you’ve chosen the person you think is both most qualified and the best fit for your business’ culture. The new guy is enthusiastic and ready to get started. Then … Continue reading
The U.S. Supreme Court issued its much-awaited decision in Tellabs v. Makor on June 21, 2007. The case is available at (Hat tip to The D&O Diary for the link to the case. I have read several blog entries … Continue reading
Mike Dillion, Sun Micro’s GC, had a great post on his The Legal Thing blog yesterday. The post, titled Litigation…(Azul) illustrates the value of having a business-savvy GC.
My friend Bob Fish is a very creative patent lawyer. At my request, he prepared a summary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark KSR Int’l v. Teleflex decision. This is an important case, because it encourages the U.S. Patent & … Continue reading
Outsourcing has become a very common practice in business and is thought of as the moving of operations or functions overseas, and although a great deal of outsourcing is done locally, the term has some negative connotations in some circles. … Continue reading
I just finished reading a great new book called First, Best, or Different by John Bradley Jackson. It explains in easy to read, plain English what every entrepreneur needs to know about niche marketing and more. I found it to … Continue reading