Company Culture

Just like countries, companies have their own culture. When they hire a new employee, this employee must learn the culture quickly so they don’t make a mistake that could cost them their job.

Company culture can include the dress code, adherence to time, the style of communication, and other office norms. Often these are outlined in a training manual of sorts, but some are unspoken and are learned from observing or asking other employees.

One advantage of employing in-house counsel, is that they get to know this company culture by being part of the team. Outside counsel doesn’t get this benefit because they aren’t around for the day-to-day aspects.

By understanding and assimilating to the company culture that in-house counsel is working with, it helps them when making legal decisions based on the company’s personality. They get to know how that company functions, and how they can assist it in the right way.

Company culture is ingrained into the identity of each company. It is what makes them stand out from their competitors, even if it is not seen directly by its customers and clients, it influences how the company and its employees treat them.

Companies need attorneys that understand this culture and work within its confines. InnovaCounsel does this. They take the time to learn and understand the culture of each company they work with. 

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