IT Department Compliance

Compliance laws don’t just cover general business practices, they also govern specialty departments such as IT. These regulations deal with safeguarding sensitive data for both the customer and the business. By complying, business decreases risks such as fines, penalties, lawsuits and more.

When trying to enforce compliance, there can be some challenges. Here are five of the biggest IT compliance challenges:

  1. Employees

Employees should be educated on how information can be stolen and how to protect it. Businesses should also make sure their security policies are up-to-date.

  1. Laptops

When providing travel laptops to employees, they should have specific information security policies to protect the network from cyber infiltration. If they are stripped of sensitive information, it can lessen the risk of infiltration.

  1. Mobile Devices

Many businesses have weak control in place to protect data on mobile devices, making it easy for employees to disable with security settings. This can put sensitive data at a huge risk.

  1. Cloud Service Providers

The cloud can be difficult to understand, making it even harder to secure. When taking advantage of the cloud, make sure to choose a trusted service provider who is also compliant with regulations.

  1. PCI

It’s extremely important to be Payment Card Industry compliant.  Not only is it required in order to maintain compliance with card brand regulations, it also helps protect against payment card theft, which is becoming increasingly intelligent and common. The security protocol in place should be proven compliant against tests and PCI assessments.

Stay up to date with IT compliance laws by hiring an in-house attorney. They can help identify risks before they become an issue while keeping security regulations current. Ask InnovaCounsel about their flat-rate and flexible legal service model

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