The Search for Office Space

InnovaCounsel attorneys offer many services to their clients, one of them being office lease negotiations. Before negotiating the lease, companies will have to find the right office space for them. There are many factors to consider when purchasing or leasing the perfect office space. When looking, take these into account:

  1. Location

Arguably the most important aspect when looking at real estate, business owners will need to look at the location. It’s important that clients and employees can get there easily. Also, the businesses or companies in the area can matter as well.

  1. Price

Going in with a set price point will help weed out buildings that won’t work. Business owners should consider the deposit, hidden costs and how the overall price compares to other buildings in the area.

  1. Size

This depends mostly on the number of people who will be working in the office. It is recommended to have 70 square feet per person. Companies should also consider if there’s room for them to grow.

Finding the right location can be a long and frustrating process, but with a little patience and maybe some compromises, it can be done. Companies should first focus on their basic needs in a building before looking at additional features they want.

After finding the perfect building, consider hiring a corporate business attorney to help negotiate the lease. This way hidden clauses and loopholes won’t be an issue. 

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